Wednesday, June 8, 2011


As can be seen by the date of my last post, I have not updated my blog in a year. A lot has happened over the last 12 months...some good and some bad. I will try to do a better job of updating it and posting on my trips. I haven't done much fishing this spring/early summer but I did get into a big mess of bream a couple of weeks ago. I just don't have any photos to show it. :)

I killed my first turkey this spring in TN. I killed him on April 30th at 5 steps! I'll post a photo or two of him in another post. Needless to say, I now see why turkey hunters are such a devoted bunch of hunters. It is exciting when they right up to the decoy and you can fool them successfully like we did.

I'm hoping to get up to Cherokee, NC, in July. I know it isn't the best time of year with the heat but my family wants to go then so that they can do some rafting/floating while I fish. The things a man will do for his family! :)

Thanks to the followers for not bailing on me after such a long absence from my blog. I do realize that I am no one special in the grand scheme of things but I appreciate you reading my posts anyway.

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